We are Roger and Nikki Callison and we are third & fourth generation ranchers respectfully. We love our cattle and the land. We raise our herd on our ranch in southern Oklahoma. Roger grew up helping his dad and grandfather with their Oklahoma herds. My four brothers and I grew up on a 2,000 acre cattle ranch owned by my parents. Growing up, my family's ranch motto was: "Raisin' Kids, Cattle and Quality Horses;" and that's exactly the heritage they passed on.

When Roger and I were dating, I would go with him to feed his small herd of 20 heifers every evening. We dreamed of building a family and a ranch of our own. Over the last 20 years we have built a life together along with expanding our herd of 20 heifers to 350+ cows.
Little did I know, Roger never met a cow he didn't like! He is known for literally doing anything it takes to meet the needs of our cattle. When we recently had a rare rainstorm of over 18" in 24 hours, Roger swam out to flooded cattle to help them to safety. We greatly appreciate our hired hands Wes, Lorenzo, Becker and Garrett who also work diligently every day to keep the cattle happy. We manage our herds with wisdom, experience, hard work, humane practices and the grace of God.

My grandfather, Ray Tucker, was an Oklahoma rancher and a State Representative. He and my grandmother saw the need and benefits of families buying their beef directly from the ranch. They called their beef "Rancher's Beef" and sold it directly to consumers as early as 1970. We continue the wisdom of "Rancher's Beef" and my grandparents' legacy by offering beef directly from our family to yours.
Premium beef from pasture to plate...Callison Ranch Beef.


You can follow the day to day of our ranching, family life and business on our social media: 
Instagram: @callison_ranch_beef Facebook: Callison Ranch Beef
Our cattle our grass-fed, grain-finished and ranch-raised from start to finish. There are no shortcuts. We diligently care for our cattle and the land they enjoy. We are organically minded and GMO free whenever possible. Our cattle graze wide-open fields and drink fresh water their entire lives. From our pasture to your plate, you can confidently know where your food comes from and how it was cared for. 


Our beef is processed at a first class USDA processing and vacuum seal packaging facility. Everything you receive from us will carry the USDA inspection seal and our custom ranch label. Our beef is dry aged for 21-28 days for flavor and tenderness usually found only in premier steakhouses. We ship right from Callison Ranch in Oklahoma to your doorstep! 



We want you to know exactly where your beef comes from and how it was raised.  We love giving ranch tours, so feel free to contact us.
We Bring the Ranch Right to You and we are honored to serve you.

Roger and Nikki Callison

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